Google Gemini is here… but is it better than ChatGPT 4?

What does Google Gemini entail, and what is the rationale behind offering it in three different sizes? Additionally, how might Gemini influence Google search? We aim to elucidate these aspects for better understanding.

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RAJKARNI – Mobile App for Goan Politics

This app was developed for a social cause, to make people aware of each and every candidate who were contesting Goa Assembly elections 2017, to help voters to get insights about the candidates and to make people well aware about the person whom they are voting.

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Catersoft: Catering Business Automation Software in India – Case Study

Catering Business is the most demanding business in this era of events and celebrations. Unlike caterers from the rest of India, normally Goan caterers handle only the food part of any event which includes cooking and serving as buffets for Breakfast, Lunch, Hi-Tea, and Dinner of any event.

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Benefits of Outsourcing Software Projects in Goa, India

Outsourcing software projects in Goa, India is a trend. We discussed why you should prefer India as an outsourcing partner for software project development.

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