Business Process Automation of Insurance Valuation Company

Company Name: Sitara Insurance Auxillary Services

Business Domain:

SIAS is an auxiliary service providing company which works in the field of Pre-Inspections and Valuation of all type of Automobiles as and when required by the Insurance & Finance Industry.

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Problem Definition:

• The Field engineers who carry out the pre-inspection process manually using a form which is used to collect data and the required images are taken with the help of mobile.
• After completing the inspection the field engineer has to submit the data and the images to the office. Which then submits the entry for the future process to the insurance company. This usually takes 3 to 5 days.
• Also, this data transfer from one entity to others may lose some of the data.
• Since the field engineer has to visit the office daily, the number of inspections done and the efficiency is reduced.

Problem Statement:

To automate the business process and to increase efficiency and increase profitability. Also, this automation should lead to reduced time and quick customer satisfaction.

Proposed Solution:

As per the client’s needs as mention in the problem statement, we have proposed the following business automation solutions to his problems.

• Inspection App:

This app will help the field engineer to perform step by step inspection. The images can also be taken in the app. This app will automatically generate an inspection report which will be further sent directly to the insurance company to the admin panel for further checking in some cases.

• Admin Dashboard:

o This admin panel will help to create users, add new insurance companies and to perform all the administrative work.
o All the inspection done will be seen on the admin panel and can be edited, reports can be generated and can be sent to the respective insurance company.

• Company Dashboard:

o The company dashboard will help to perform all the admin level tasks for the insurance company.
o We will be able to manage all the inspection done by the field engineers for the respective company.

• Field Engineers Dashboard:

o Field Engineers Dashboard will help engineers to manage inspection done by respective engineer.

• These entities will help to increase efficiency, reduce inspection time, faster customer satisfaction and transparency in the work.
• This proposed solution will help to reduce the processing time from 3 days to approx. 3 hours. (Most of the time the reports and the company approval is done in real-time, as this is an automated process)

Technology Used:

• Inspection App: Android, Back end: Codeigniter.
• Dashboards: Codeigniter PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

How the Complete Business is Made Easy with this App

• This business automation process handles around 400 inspections a day which generates around 4000 images a day, 400 SMS per day, 800 Emails per day, and around 60000 customer satisfaction till now.
• Automation has handled approx. 60000 inspection till now and still going handy.

Know more about the Business here.

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